Colorado Aquarium Society
Upcoming Events
January meeting is Friday 1/3 7:00 PM
Happy New Year!
We are starting the new year with a combined meeting with RMCA.
Kevin Fehringer of RMCA will let us in on the CARES program and why it is important that all aquarists need to know about it.
This month we are not going to use the auction website to conduct the mini-auction. Just bring your item/s along with the list.
- New Membership Year -
Join and support Colorado Aquarium Society as a paid member
here or in person at the meeting.
Our membership period runs with the calendar year,
so show your support by being a member of CAS for 2025
Benefits include:
• option to participate in the bowl show
• eligible for equipment loaner program
• improved seller splits on auction sales
See the CAS Handbook for additional member benefits.
You may join CAS as a paid member up until the start of auction
and be eligible for the 80-20 member split. (non-member split is 50-50)
- January Bowl Show -
1. Rainbow fish. Restricted to members of the order Atheriniformes. The most popular and readily available rainbows including, but not limited to, Madagascar, boesmani, herbertaxelrodi, Threadfin, Celebes, maccullochi, praecox, Irian etc.)
Shown in pairs,
2. Minnows (Cyprinidae). Includes: Danios (zebras, pearl, leopard, etc.), Rasboras, Shiners, Fatheads, White Clouds, Tiger Barbs, Odessa Barbs.
Shown in pairs.
Excludes “Sharks” ( Genera: Labeo, Morulius, Epalzeorhynchos[Red tail, Rainbow etc.])
3. Open Class
The Colorado Aquarium Society, established in 1947, is an open group for aquarists to share their interest in all facets of the aquarium hobby. Our members consist of advanced expert hobbyists as well as beginners and all levels between. Our monthly meetings are open to the public and everyone is welcome!