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Colorado Aquarium Society

Upcoming Events

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December meeting is Friday 12/06 5:30 PM

Happy Holidays!

December meeting is really our annual Holiday Dinner Party.


$15/Person pay onsite - RSVP (required) and join us for our annual CAS Holiday Dinner Party

- Current CAS members only. Those attending must email or text to (303)253-2007 to sign up if you have not already done so.

- As part of the 2025 membership drive, sign up for 2025 CAS membership and you get to come to the dinner party in 2024!

- Please email or text to (303)253-2007, to RSVP or simply confirm whether you are on the guest list.


Holiday Dinner Party

- Arrive 5:00 PM or later

- Food and Drinks served starting at 6 PM


2024 Championship Bowl Show

- Only those first place winners of any classes in 2024 are eligible

- Must bring the exact fish/entry that won the first place

- Eligible entries are:

David Housewright

Forktail Rainbows

Coryydora Paleatus

James Chase

Sunburst Wag Platy

Blind Cave Tetras

Male Texas Cichlid

Red Rainbows

Karen Blackwood

Bloody Mary Shrimp

Kevin Thurston

Pearl Gourami

Synodontis Patricola

Synodontis flavitaeniatus

Larry Brown

Male Betta Crowntail

Chocolate Chip Starfish

Epiplaty Dageta

Gold Angels

Sebae Clownfish

Fire Red Shrimp


Black Ghost Knifefish

Laura Pike

5gl cube aquascaped tank

Lily Hwang

Pink P. Clarkii (crawfish)

Mike Villano

Crenicichla Strigata

Roman Shnayderman

Albino Bushynose Pleco

Salvador Avila

Siamese Algae Eater

Parrot Cichlid

Venestus Cichlid

Clown Loach

Chili Rasboras


Sean Morton

Sunset Hifin Variatus Platy

Tawnya Albright

Cherry Barbs

White Shark Gift Exchange

- Aquarium/Fish themed gift wrapped or in a paper bag

- $20 max

- No actual fish, please


- New Membership Year -

Join and support Colorado Aquarium Society as a paid member

here or in person at the meeting.

Our membership period runs with the calendar year,
so show your support by being a member of CAS for 2025

     Benefits include:

•  option to participate in the bowl show

•  eligible for equipment loaner program

•  improved seller splits on auction sales

See the CAS Handbook for additional member benefits.

     You may join CAS as a paid member up until the start of auction

     and be eligible for the 80-20 member split. (non-member split is 50-50)



The Colorado Aquarium Society, established in 1947, is an open group for aquarists to share their interest in all facets of the aquarium hobby. Our members consist of advanced expert hobbyists as well as beginners and all levels between. Our monthly meetings are open to the public and everyone is welcome!


Visit US

Visit us in person, usually 1st Friday of the Month, 7PM

Hope United Methodist Church
5101 South Dayton Street
Greenwood Village, CO 80111

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Contact US

We'll be in touch soon. Thanks!

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