Colorado Aquarium Society
Upcoming Events
October meeting is Friday 10/4 7:00 PM
Presenter: Kevin Thurston
Topic: How to judge Bowl Show
Are all fish (of the same species) the same? What makes one specimen better than another? Besides size, color, and pattern, does the rarity and/or exotic qualities count when judging one fish from another in the bowl show? Find out more from our own head of fish-heads!
Fall Auction is Saturday 10/19
Our next big auction is coming up soon. Save the date and start gather your excess fish/plant/equipment for the auction. As usual we are planning to bring some exciting fish you seldom see at local fish stores near you.
- Thanks to Our Supporters -
Big thanks to MC Aquatics, Neptune's Tropical, Fish Den, Aqua Rocks Colorado, Biggs Lagoon, Seachem, Sera USA, in donating to the club this past year in support of our fund raising auctions. Please visit your local fish stores for your fishy needs... especially those who support the club.
- Mini Auction -
The second half of our regular meeting will feature a mini-auction.
Sellers are limited to 5 items of anything related to the hobby.
Sellers will split auction proceeds 50-50 with the Club. Club members
enjoy an 80-20 split.
Register your lots in advance here.
- New Membership Year -
Join and support Colorado Aquarium Society as a paid member
here or in person at the meeting.
Our membership period runs with the calendar year,
so show your support by being a member of CAS for 2024
Benefits include:
• option to participate in the bowl show
• improved seller splits on auction sales
See the CAS Handbook for additional member benefits.
You may join CAS as a paid member up until the start of auction
and be eligible for the 80-20 member split. (non-member split is 50-50)
Don't forget to:
1. enter your auction items here
2. enter the bowl show!
- Bowl Show -
(CAS members only)
September Categories:
Anabantoids/Gouramis Includes Dwarf, Pearl, Moonlight, Kissing, Opaline, Gold, Banded, Thick-lip, Chocolate, Licorice, (Trichogaster,Colisa, Osphronemus, Macropodus, Sphaerichthys), Paradise Fish, Climbing Perch, and Bettas other than male Betta splendens.
Shown in pairs, except for female Betta splendens and fish over seven inches long which may be shown as singles. -
Catfish generally known as Plecos. Includes Royal, Tiger, Clown, Gold Nugget, Vampire, (Hypostomus, Panaque, Pekoltia, Acanthicus, Baryancistrus, Hypancistrus), all that may be known by L- or LDA- numbers. Excludes cultivars of the genus Ancistrus.
Shown as pairs where sexes are readily determined, otherwise two fish. Fish over seven inches long may be shown as singles. -
Open Class
Bowl Show participants, please arrive early to setup your tanks/bowls and fill out necessary paperwork for your entry.
The Colorado Aquarium Society, established in 1947, is an open group for aquarists to share their interest in all facets of the aquarium hobby. Our members consist of advanced expert hobbyists as well as beginners and all levels between. Our monthly meetings are open to the public and everyone is welcome!